Pikes Peak Derby Dames
      Candy Snipers vs. Danger Dolls
      March 8, 2008

      Roller derby has become really popular here in Colorado Springs, so last night Mike and I decided to go check it out. It was really fun. Those ladies are fierce – one even broke a finger, yikes! I think I’d enjoy roller derby more if it weren’t for the sleaze factor of the costumes and such. I wish women’s sports could be this popular without fishnets and naughty nicknames, but it was still a fun night out, and I’ll definitely go back another time.

      I’m not sure what’s up with the referee’s codpiece here.

      The halftime show was a group performing Brazilian Capoeira.

      This can’t be easy!

      Even the kids were fantastic.

      The ref was saying something about four. I had no idea what that was about.

      Four, I really mean it! Does anyone know what’s going on here?

      Candy Snipers celebrate

      It was a close call at the end…

      … but finally the Danger Dolls won it.

      Edited to add: For those who are interested, I took these photos with a 135mm lens on a Canon 5D. I shot at 3200 ISO, with the camera set at manual at about 1/500 sec and f3.2. I used AI Servo for the auto focus, which worked great with the ladies’ fast action.

      If you’d like to buy any of these photos, you can order them here: Roller derby online gallery


      Charlotte i really love the images you’ve captured, the pixels speak much more than the words. What is this Derby game anyways? Where’s the ball and where are the teams. You’re right in pointing out about the fish nets and the weird nicknames that they’re redundant.

      oh, I’m jealous. I love the roller derby, but the local team here in San Jose doesn’t allow photos and when I saw it in Portland, they would only allow photos if you had a small lens and hid under the bleachers. Apparently teams in both locations have had problems with photographers taking pictures of the girls flying around in fishnets and selling them on the web.

      Ok, if you’re gonna dress like a porn star…

      I recently went to see the DC Rollergirls! A friend of mine is on the Secretaries of Hate team (they were throwing out little buttons that looked like candidates things that said HATE 2008). I had great fun, but there’s no way I could do that!

      Great shots! And thanks for the information. It’s always great to learn from the professionals!

      Great shots! And thanks for the information. It’s always great to learn from the professionals!

      I’ve never been all that interested to go see Roller Derby, but I’d love to see capoeira!

      Great Job! I used to coach the Atlanta Rollergirls. Ahh how I miss the derby.

      Thanks for pointing this out to me Thump

      Hi there Charlotte, long long time no type. I love the pictures. I actually joined a local derby league here in South Texas a year ago so can really appreciate good derby action pictures. I recently broke my leg badly at a practice so I’m doing the ref gig for a while.

      I’ve never seen roller derby, but you got some nice shots.

      It’s popular in Alabama, too! I know a girl on a league in Tuscaloosa and they play all around central Alabama. 😀

      These pictures are SO FUN.

      I really envy your talent…because there is no way in the world, no matter HOW many hours of instruction or practice I got, that I would ever be able to just see things with that perfect eye!


      Thanks for pointing this out to me Thump

      Hi there Charlotte, long long time no type. I love the pictures. I actually joined a local derby league here in South Texas a year ago so can really appreciate good derby action pictures. I recently broke my leg badly at a practice so I’m doing the ref gig for a while.

      just awesome – hey how you feeling these days? And I’m guessing there is much new kitchen love?

      Roller derby is getting very popular everywhere, it seems. I’ve got a friend in Fresno who does it, and apparently one of the teams in my area are West Coast champions.

      Your versatility never ceases to amaze me! 🙂

      Shooting sports action is a very different animal from your normal venues. You have to anticipate where the action is going to take place and try to capture it at the peak of intensity. I’d say you’ve grasped the concept very nicely. 🙂

      Your stylistic use of off-kilter points of view helps convey the chaos as the skaters jostle for position.
      Nicely done!

      i love derby and am looking for a league to join in Switzerland! Glad you went and checked it out even if bits weren’t totally your thing.

      Hey Charlotte! I love your pics.

      About the “4” thing: With some leagues, five minor penalties equals one major one, and an official has to tell the player very clearly when they’ve made four penalties.

      Take care!!!

      Liz (Baish!)

      Charlotte – you have a wonderful range of capturing people. Weddings, your former foray into policitians, musicians, families, school photos and now DERBY chicks! I love it.

      Great photos.

      BTW, I think they just carried the “sleaze” factor over from previous generations but think more of it as women getting down and dirty. 🙂

      wow. how awesome.
      years ago i thought this would be a great way to have fun. ha. obviously i never pursued it and i bet if i did, i would NOT have lasted!
      fierce is the right word to describe them!

      Charlotte Geary


      Lifestyle, event, and portrait photographer with a vibrant, joyful style and 17 years of professional experience.

      Located in Reston, Virginia near Washington, D.C. and available for travel.