Our kitchen, a week ago. I haven’t taken any new pics since then.

      It doesn’t look much different today, even though they worked all week, and it’s not done yet. I realize now that the contractor’s original estimate of a two-week project was unrealistic, but I never expected it to be incomplete after six weeks. I want my kitchen finished and my normal routine back, please.

      Otherwise, I love the kitchen! It feels much larger and brighter in there now. The granite counters are gorgeous, the maple cabinets are luscious, and the stainless appliances are much more contemporary. I love it all!

      Since this photo was taken, our contractor Michael widened the doorway by the refrigerator, textured and painted the new doorway, painted the ceiling, insulated the ceiling, and fixed a plumbing problem. After all that work, today it looks pretty much the same as it did when I took this photo a week ago. The details left to do include painting the window frames in the kitchen and dining room, installing the cabinet hardware, and adding some task lighting. It should be all done by the end of next week, I hope!

      I think this is we left off last time, four weeks into the project. I hosted this month’s book club meeting at our house, and had hoped to entertain with a sparkly new kitchen that day, but this is how it looked when the ladies came over. Bummer.

      Here’s Michael preparing to install our sink.

      Fortunately we’ve had some warm weather to keep our depressed, lonely dog comfortable.

      What contractors saw in this moment: The counters were perfectly level.
      What photographers saw in this moment: The light was pretty that afternoon.

      We have an appliance!

      The microwave and dishwasher went in the next day.

      The large counter tiles look really sleek. I love them. They are similar to granite slab, but much more affordable.

      Each tile is about two feet wide, and the depth of the entire countertop.

      We love our extra-deep granite sink, too. Unfortunately the ugly window distracts. I took this picture a week and a half ago, and the window still looks like that today.

      That’s Ally’s fluffy tail in the lower right. 🙂

      They finished the trim around the tile floors, and it looks really pretty.

      A few days later, they plumbed the sink and dishwasher. We finally have water! That was huge, because that meant we could wash dishes.

      Ahhhh, it’s looking so pretty.

      OK, this wasn’t a fun moment. This was a week ago, at the end of the day on Friday. Randy and Michael had finished most of the big projects, and finally installed the refrigerator. We would have a fully-functional, mostly finished kitchen for the weekend!

      Then they discovered that we couldn’t open the freezer door. The newly-drywalled doorway didn’t give enough room for the door to open.


      None of us saw that coming. This problem ended up costing us an extra week and several hundred dollars to fix. Michael spent the last week ripping out the doorway, widening it by six inches or so, adding new drywall, retexturing the wall, and painting it.

      This afternoon the wall was all dried and finished, so we slid the refrigerator back into place. It fits great now! I will take pictures of it later, but the wall is looking great now (thanks, Michael!).

      I hope to post finished photos next weekend! But who knows what will come up between now and then. 😉


      hi charlotte and mike this is michael i just wanted to thank you for the oppertunity to remodel your kitchen hopefully we can do another kitchen later on i had lots of fun. thanks michael vannelli

      Ha! Rolling eggs must have gotten tiresome! I guess you get used to funny little quirks like that. 😉

      Yup, they used charcoal-colored grout between the counter pieces, and then sealed the grout. The counters are now really pretty, for a fraction of the cost of granite slab. Love ’em.

      The old fridge actually jutted out too much, so the guys moved the doorway a few inches over to hide the new fridge. Unfortunately none of us predicted that the moved doorway would prevent the refrigerator from opening. Argh. So they had to move the doorway back to where it used to be!

      Re: Your kitchen

      Thanks, Rebecca! Cookies were actually the first thing I made in the new kitchen!

      I’m not sure what the regulations are, but I think we’re supposed to have them. We have a fan built into the bottom of the microwave for that purpose.

      We can open it now, since he widened the doorway!

      funny you should mention the levelness of the counters. my parents’ home is pretty off level: a function of being built on a hill and post construction settling is my guess. So when the new kitchen was done, we had level counters for the first time, and I was so surprised to be able to put an egg down and not have it roll away.

      So, I guess they just seal the grout between the counter pieces?

      I had to go back to your old pics to see the fridge before. It opened the same way. I would have guessed it was upper/lower doors opening the the right. It looks like it was either a deeper one, or it was pulled out so the door would open.

      Kitchen looks great!

      Your kitchen

      How exciting – your kitchen looks brilliant – definitely a place for baking cookies! Rebecca

      Ahh! GORGEOUS kitchen! Tell me- do you have to have exhaust fans for your stove over there?

      Looks like the door is too close to the wall. Are u able to open the door fully?

      -f 🙂

      Looks gorgeous so far!! I can’t wait to see the finished product!

      Ha, I am not even that far and I already like it, so that bodes well for the rest of it. I am flying to Atlanta next weekend, so I figure I will have lots of time on the plane to finish it.

      Oh good! I am only about 100 pages into it so far, but only now am I starting to like it. I was getting worried for a while there!

      Definitely. I had a great time. Can’t wait to do it again. I am enjoying what I have read of your book choice, too!

      I love the trim work on the tile. It is such a pretty little addition to the floor.

      And I agree, that Michael is a total hottie. I would keep finding things for him to do, LOL!

      Thanks! It was so fun to have you guys over, despite the weird construction situation!

      The guys did an awesome job with the tiling! And yes, the counters are totally yummy. Mmmmmmmm! I can’t wait to have people over for dinner! Now I just need to learn how to cook.

      Oh my gosh, he does! He really does look just like him.

      Michael is probably reading this and grinning! Michael, you have a fan club!

      Ha! That’s so funny! Michael is also extremely cool and one of the friendliest, most positive people ever. He’s so much fun to work with!

      It is lovely! (Of course, it was lovely when I saw it, too.) And yay, water!

      Haha, Michael looks like Jonas Armstrong: http://www.theage.com.au/ffximage/2007/04/13/RH_070411100907002_wideweb__300x375,1.jpg

      Your kitchen is looking lovely! Fingers crossed for a speedy finish. 🙂

      I just adore the trim on the floor…and the whole kitchen just looks so inviting and the counters look yummy (yes, for some reason the word yummy comes to mind). I wanna spend time in there!

      Ha, I was thinking the same thing!

      more pictures of michael! he’s super cute!!!

      It looks fantastic so far!!

      Charlotte Geary


      Lifestyle, event, and portrait photographer with a vibrant, joyful style and 17 years of professional experience.

      Located in Reston, Virginia near Washington, D.C. and available for travel.