Greg, Julia, and Heidi
      Bear Creek Lake Park
      Lakewood, Colorado
      August 23, 2007

      Heidi and Greg are just days away from their wedding! They will be getting married this Sunday in Keystone, and I’m really looking forward to it. We got together last week for an engagement session with their adorable daughter, Julia. Julia is a total diva! I can’t wait to see her in her role as flower girl this weekend.

      Congratulations, Greg and Heidi! I’ll see you soon!

      These guys are so cute!

      A kiss for her new friend


      Compliments from a MI resident

      I love how your are able to capture the emotion and personality of the family in all of these pictures. I hope I can have pictures that hold memories like these tucked away somewhere to show family and friends my history. You are a truly talented artist.

      Yes, definitely! I keep meaning to e-mail you to ask if you want to meet up for coffee. I am so glad you suggested it. I am going to go e-mail you now. ๐Ÿ™‚

      Their daughter totally stole the show… ๐Ÿ™‚

      Great personality

      I love how you really captured the personality of this family. They are such great shots. And make me smile. Good luck to this couple for their upcoming wedding! And yes, I too have to agree, the kiss shot with the daughter in focus is my favorite! How cool that it was a spontaneous shot! You rocked it ๐Ÿ™‚

      that is DEFINITELY my favorite as well ๐Ÿ™‚

      These are such cool shots, nice job Charlotte. ๐Ÿ™‚
      They are such a cute, fun, family. – I love how you shot this one.

      As always, These photographs are absolutely perfect!

      I can’t help but marvel at how great your lighting is ALL of the time.

      It’s all about noticing the details, right? ๐Ÿ˜‰

      Good eye! Yup, I did back-to-back shoots that day. It’s my most hectic time of year!

      We’re definitely spoiled here.

      You must have had a really long day– I just realized that those were both shot on the 23rd.

      Colorado certainly has some jaw-dropping scenery. Sometimes I do miss lush green areas, though!

      Thanks! We’d love to travel to IL! We travel all over the place, and love to do it.

      Thanks! That was an entirely candid moment, actually. I saw her running, and at the last moment, decided to focus on her. I liked the shot, so I decided to redo it with a more staged set-up, and it just didn’t work as well the second time around.

      I love that feeling of being small in your surroundings. It’s humbling and helps me keep my life in perspective.

      Let’s get together! Do you want to do coffee after your brother heads back?

      I’m loving this park. I’ve always touted Oregon’s green spaces but there’s something so striking about Colorado’s grasses and vistas. And I totally agree: she’s going to be a fabulous flower girl. She has personality times ten!

      That’s my favourite shot too!

      Wonderful photos!!!!!!!!!! I wish I had seen your work months ago. Do you travel to IL, out of curiosity for future reference? I have fallen in love with your work.

      i totally agree, that’s my fave shot too i think. ๐Ÿ™‚

      I love the one with the parents out of focus and the little girl running towards them. Charlotte, you are soooo creative!!

      These are awesome, as always. I really love the one where they are about to kiss, but the focus is on Julia running towards them in the background.

      The one above it — Julia running across the panoramic view — reminds me of what I keep thinking about Colorado. Everywhere I look, I feel so SMALL! ๐Ÿ™‚ Texas has nothing on Colorado!

      Charlotte Geary


      Lifestyle, event, and portrait photographer with a vibrant, joyful style and 17 years of professional experience.

      Located in Reston, Virginia near Washington, D.C. and available for travel.