This is the post that has taken three years to happen. I’ve finally finished designing our wedding album! I’m so excited!

      For those who don’t already know, Mike is British, and we got married in his hometown of Wells, Somerset. Our ceremony and reception took place at the Swan Hotel, across the street from the medieval Wells Cathedral. We had our portraits taken at the cathedral and neighboring Bishops Palace.

      This is by far the largest album I’ve ever designed, and it has taken me two weeks to prepare it. It features the work of our fabulous photographer, Jenni Le Roux, as well as photos from my mother and our good friends Richard and Sarah. All three of them are great photographers, too, and we’re so grateful that they could help us document the wedding. I even threw in a few photos that I took myself before the wedding. πŸ™‚

      Our album will be a 12×12 flushmount album with a leather cover and leather case. It has an astounding 86 pages, which is more than twice as large as most of the albums I design. I figured that I’d go all out for our album!

      This post will show small versions of all the pages, but if you want to see a larger version, go can see them here: Large slideshow of our album. Click the link in the upper right to see it in slideshow mode.


      Charlotte that is absolutely beautiful. Aren’t you so excited to have your own wedding album! -Michele @ IN Photography

      ok that does it! british guys only for me!

      ok that does it! british guys only for me!

      Oh yes, it’s going to be the biggest flushmount I’ve ever seen! I can’t wait to see it, but I’ll probably need to devote half of a bookshelf for it. πŸ˜‰

      Sorry to hear that you’re having trouble with your album vendor. I love my flushmount supplier and hope you will, too! They aren’t cheap, but their quality is exquisite and worth every penny.

      I hope your bar studying is going well! I’m sure that’s keeping you busy! Yes, please do design your album as soon as you can… it feels great to have ordered it.

      And there was a moat! That was just so cool that I wish I could do it all over again.

      How cool that even your husband liked it! Thanks for the kind words and for making me smile. πŸ™‚

      Thank you! Actually we got married three years ago. I’m just a slacker when it comes to my own wedding album. πŸ˜‰

      I figured that I spend so much time on other people’s weddings that I should devote a little to our own. πŸ™‚ I can’t wait to see the printed version!

      LOL… Everyone should marry British guys. They are the best, and their castles rule.

      Thank you! I worked so hard on that wedding. It really is a lot of work to get married!

      I loved looking at these photos again. πŸ™‚

      I concur with the rest that everyone and everything is gorgeous… and I have to say that I especially liked the bouquets! The colors just pop off the page; I can imagine how lovely they were in real life. Thanks for sharing!

      I concur with the rest that everyone and everything is gorgeous… and I have to say that I especially liked the bouquets! The colors just pop off the page; I can imagine how lovely they were in real life. Thanks for sharing!

      wow, you did a great job putting this together!
      love the veil, always have. always enjoying seeing these photos again too!

      am i allowed to ask when there will be mini yous? πŸ˜‰

      Thank you so much for sharing that with us!! What a beautiful wedding, and I have to say I am in love with your dress!!! The veil and the sleeves especially!
      gorgeous. but I wouldn’t expect anything else from you!

      That’s seriously outstanding!! πŸ™‚
      You looked gorgeous in your wedding dress.

      This is a phenomenally good set of pictures, but as I look at it, I feel like it is missing a simple good portait of just you. There are two great pictures of Mike (5B, 13B) but the only pictures of just you are the ones from the top view (cool, but a little awkward as portraits IMHO) and the small b/w one, 7B. I hope you give this a second thought.

      Also, maybe I’m a bit of a goofball but pictures D and E in the second to last set remind me of those barbie dolls that you can twist around 180 degrees. It might look better on paper…

      your wedding was so beautiful.

      and i understand – i still haven’t finished my wedding scrapbook!

      How lucky were you to have both your mom and your dad at your wedding? And old friends and new friends and Mike’s family? In a town he loves?

      What I love most about you and Mike is how much he likes you and how much you like him and how you picked not one, not two, but just about ten photos of him twirling you around in the air.

      I think that says so much about how you feel about him in your life. Just swept off your feet.

      I’m so happy for you both. I loved the album. Brilliant! Now I have to make mine!!

      Ahhh, the wedding whose photos I never get tired of looking at! So completely beautiful and touching!

      Congratulations (preemptively?) on your 3rd anniversary! πŸ™‚

      i love seeing your wedding pictures- it was so beautiful! your album looks great!

      Ahhh, the wedding whose photos I never get tired of looking at! So completely beautiful and touching!

      Congratulations (preemptively?) on your 3rd anniversary! πŸ™‚

      That’s a beautiful wedding.

      That’s a beautiful wedding.

      I am still in love with your veil πŸ™‚ Your wedding was beautiful!!

      It looked like one of your flushmounts but then when I saw the number of pages I thought, “Surely no.” That’s going to be one whopper of a book! What a lovely thing, though, that you get to design your own! Jen did an amazing job.

      Thanks for the company rec, btw. I am having a dismal experience with another vendor currently and am excited to add your recommendation to our product line πŸ™‚

      Wow, you inspire me to get my act together after the Bar exam and finally make our’s too (except mine won’t be even 10% as talented as yours)! πŸ™‚

      Magical πŸ™‚
      I think everyone should marry next to castles πŸ˜€

      Charlotte, I am in awe! Such a beautiful album, a beautiful wedding, and beautiful pictures. My husband was peeking in the bedroom as he played on his laptop and his exact words, “Wow!” I am so glad you had so many wonderful people to document your special day. The love you have for each other and the love of your friends and family is so apparent. I am honored that you shared this. It is just breathtaking. Thank you!

      I was wondering when you two would get married! You look so beatiful, your dress is amazing!! It looks stunning when Mike’s spinning you in the air. Great album aswell!!

      there are so many beautiful photos of you guys and your guests. :> congrats!

      It looks amazing, Charlotte! I’m so glad you put this together for yourself. Great work, and wonderful storytelling. πŸ™‚

      OH MY GOSH. I remember these when you first posted some of them, but honestly. What a great way to put them all together. Spectacular. I’m going to go cry now. πŸ™‚

      I’m envious! Now I want to marry a British guy. πŸ˜€


      You two not only shoot beautiful weddings, but you create them, too!

      Such a beautiful album. It looks like a gorgeous wedding! πŸ™‚

      Thank you! Mike and I used to work together in Maryland at an engineering firm. He was the first person I met on my first day at work, and we hit it off instantly. Eight months later, we were engaged. πŸ™‚

      Re: oops!

      πŸ™‚ Fixed! LOL.

      Thanks! It’s surreal to look at the photos from this wonderful wedding and realize that this dreamy day was really ours.


      you must love us for proofing your album! haha, i noticed the date, too – – 2008??? oh charlotte. πŸ™‚ hahaha

      Oops, thanks! I hadn’t updated the web version when I fixed the date. Thanks for catching it!

      It does, thanks! I forgot to update my web version when I fixed the typo. πŸ˜‰

      I was wondering when you two would get married! You look so beatiful, your dress is amazing!! It looks stunning when Mike’s spinning you in the air. Great album aswell!!

      Simply beautiful and stunning! You looked so beautiful. BTW, how did you and Mike meet?

      Did you mean for the cover to say 2005 or 2008? πŸ™‚

      I love this album! I love that it captures the whole story of your wedding — and the story of your love for each other!

      Very very pretty! Does page one say 2008 or am I just half blind?

      I remember when you were planning your wedding and how eager I was to see it all come together, and then when you posted your post-wedding photos. It still ranks up there as one of my favorite weddings of all time! Such a beautiful, fairy-tale wedding for two people so obviously and madly in love.

      I’m envious! Now I want to marry a British guy. πŸ˜€

      Such a beautiful album. It looks like a gorgeous wedding! πŸ™‚


      you must love us for proofing your album! haha, i noticed the date, too – – 2008??? oh charlotte. πŸ™‚ hahaha

      Very very pretty! Does page one say 2008 or am I just half blind?

      Charlotte Geary


      Lifestyle, event, and portrait photographer with a vibrant, joyful style and 17 years of professional experience.

      Located in Reston, Virginia near Washington, D.C. and available for travel.