
      Brad, Brandy, and newborn Brent
      Colorado Springs
      March 2, 2010

      Brent was born Tuesday afternoon and greeted by his adoring parents and brother. I was honored to be there to document their first few moments with him. Brent is a healthy, eight-pound little sweetheart who is just 15 months younger than his big brother. I hope the two boys will grow up to be playmates and close friends throughout life. Thank you so much, Brandy, for asking me to be there to photograph his birth. I know how important photography is to you, so I’m thrilled that you love the photos. I hope that someday they will also be treasured by Brent and his own children.

      For the full story, see their slideshow:http://www.charlottegeary.com/slideshows/BrentBirth

      Birth has become one of my favorite things to photograph. Few things in life involve such profound and beautiful emotions. I’d love to be able to photograph more births, so if you know someone who might be interested, please let them know about me. If you’d like to see the other two births I’ve photographed, you can find them here: Colorado Springs birth photography.

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography

      Colorado Springs birth photography


      What a great post, it is so inspiring love to see all the photos, it is absolutely gorgeous! thanks a lot for sharing, keep it up!

      Nice post! I love it.i like all the photos, especially the shots of the nurses,i think one of the most beautiful parts of a birth is the love and support between women. It’s fascinating to watch. thanks for sharing!

      OMG….. he is damn cute. Lovely child. Congrats to both of you.

      Amazing photos. What a wonderful memory to keep.From the time she labored till the baby came out. It’s inspiring to take newborn photographs because they give hope to the the family and to the society. A mixture of excitement and happiness.


      oh my…
      these are the most beautiful photos of birth I’ve ever seen..
      Seems that my own fear of this process starts to fade away.
      Say hello to this family, and many thanks for sharing it 🙂

      oh my…
      these are the most beautiful photos of birth I’ve ever seen..
      Seems that my own fear of this process starts to fade away.
      Say hello to this family, and many thanks for sharing it 🙂

      my fav is the one with the kid on the backpack looking at the camera.

      Beautiful, Charlotte! They will always treasure these 🙂

      I’m a new follower of your blog and love your work. This birth story is beautiful.

      Really nice work. Love the treatment you have given to the images.

      Charlotte, I just saw these images and they are loaded with emotion. You have a great ability to connect to such wonderful moments and depict their meaning through your images. Amazing job, you are inspiring me to try it!

      these photos gave me goosebumps!! the one of the babys hand grasping a parents finger made me all teary eyed. wow, you’re simply amazing!

      I just love the ones of Dad with big brother on his back. You’ve really captured the joyfulness of this entire family. Bravo.

      Great shots Charlotte! Nice job!

      Little Brayden watched the whole thing quitely and with great interest. It was fascinating to see his reactions to the whole experience, especially since he’s only 15 months old.

      The little hand grasping the finger is one of my favorites, too, and it’s even sweeter that it’s not the doctor’s finger — it’s his father’s finger.

      Wow, twins! How wonderful!

      Yep, I love that one and the one where the older one is on his father’s back, looking right at the camera while dad is looking at the baby. Great job, Charlotte!

      lovely as always! I just adore your birth photos, and how amazing and wonderful that big brother was able to be there!

      The tears in that little one’s eyes are just precious.

      Wow! They’re all wonderful, but my favorite? The one with the little hand grasping the doctor’s finger.

      I’m always so intrigued by how tiny a newborn baby is, and how they grow so quickly.

      The tears in that little one’s eyes are just precious.

      These are absolutely gorgeous! I wish our hospital allowed photographers during birth…I’m expecting twins in July (although we’re looking at a May delivery) and I’m sure it’ll be a site to see.

      Thanks, Tracey! I agree about the nurses — I think one of the most beautiful parts of a birth is the love and support between women. It’s fascinating to watch. Of course the guys were great too, including sweet little Brayden in the backpack! I stayed about an hour and a half after the birth, to make sure that I had some nice portraits of them after the baby was returned to his mother.

      Charlotte, these are great as usual! So much emotion here, I love it. Especially the shots of the nurses (and their look of care and compassion.) So cute how they kept the older son in a backpack during it – pretty ingenuitive! Curious, how long do you stay around after birth? Some of the baby photos at end, he looked so different (prob just a few hours old though!)

      These are absolutely gorgeous! I wish our hospital allowed photographers during birth…I’m expecting twins in July (although we’re looking at a May delivery) and I’m sure it’ll be a site to see.

      Absolutely wonderful. They are going to treasure these forever.

      I sincerely hope I have a photographer as awesome as you around when I give birth someday. All of these photos are gorgeous!

      Charlotte Geary


      Lifestyle, event, and portrait photographer with a vibrant, joyful style and 17 years of professional experience.

      Located in Reston, Virginia near Washington, D.C. and available for travel.