My nephew Robby, age 3
      Mexico City
      January 4, 2009

      Today we went walking with the kids in colorful Mexico City. Mike is feeling better, thank goodness, so we took them out on their bikes in the warm January weather.

      I brought only my point-and-shoot camera (Canon G10) on this trip, so all of these photos were taken with it. It’s a new camera, and I’m liking it so far! I’m an SLR junkie, but this one is almost a suitable replacement for family snaps.

      A bicycle helmet has never looked cuter.

      Kenna is the pinkest person I’ve ever known.

      Timmy is 21 months old now, and talking in complete (although indecipherable) sentences.

      I fell in love with these stairs, and took lots of photos there.

      I told the kids how much I loved the orange walls and red steps, and Robby said, “Oh yes, Aunt Charlotte, they are beauuuuuuutiful.”

      Kenna took this one of Mike and me!

      My dad helped the kids get up the hill. Just look at all the colors on this street.

      A tired Kenna at the end of our adventure.


      I presume that when Robby wins the Tour De France, he’ll put out a book with lots of “behind-the-scenes” photos taken during his victorious run that were taken by his Auntie Charlotte! 🙂

      Everything in these photos are beautiful – the city, the kids, you and Mike 😉 I’m glad everyone’s starting to feel better, I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip!

      Everything in these photos are beautiful – the city, the kids, you and Mike 😉 I’m glad everyone’s starting to feel better, I hope you enjoy the rest of your trip!

      Lovely as always!

      And oh, you took a picture of some bougainvillea flowers! Man, those take me back to my childhood. My parents’ garden was filled with them.

      Great shots!
      Glad that Mike is feeling better. And the picture that Kenna took is so good. I think being a photographer runs in the family.

      these are so lovely. i very much enjoy the one with the roses and stairs– the 13th one i think.

      yes! i mean, yes my camera is good but it doesn’t take the photos FOR me. 😛

      Haha, I love that age when kids talk and you can’t understand anything they’re talking about. When our nieces were at that age (the youngest is getting close – now she just says individual words I can’t understand), I just pretend I’m holding a regular conversation with them. “Oh really?” “Interesting.” “Tell me more!”

      I absolutely *love* Mexico City. My dad worked there for about three years and commuted from Austin, TX. It was amazing for my younger brother and me because we got to see so much that kids don’t normally get to see!

      Oh the worst is when they say “your camera takes good pictures”…GAH!!!!

      totally second this! I cringe when people say “wow…that’s a big camera – they must be a great photographer!”

      That said, I can only imagine how even moreso these photos would pop if you HAD lugged all of the big equipment along,

      Enjoy your trip and hope everyone stays on the mend!

      Kenna looks a lot like your dad, she’s precious. 🙂

      I’m so glad that Mike is feeling better! I hope you can have a fabulous rest of your time.

      awesome, charlotte!

      just goes to show…it’s not the camera, it’s the person taking the photos! 😀

      Charlotte Geary


      Lifestyle, event, and portrait photographer with a vibrant, joyful style and 17 years of professional experience.

      Located in Reston, Virginia near Washington, D.C. and available for travel.